
Amanda Bell is a devoted mother to three teenage boys and a wife to her Handy-MAN, with a strong belief in intentional living. She leads the way, nurturing her family, multiple businesses, and non-profits. Believing in continual growth, Amanda attended Harvard Business - Leading with Finance to better serve her real estate clients and team members, empowering them to achieve financial abundance. Leading The BELL Realty Team to the top 2% of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices in the DFW Metroplex, she applies the same strategies to The Power of Thr33, her investment real estate team in Mexico, which now comprises over 20 agents. Amanda finds fulfillment in guiding entrepreneurs worldwide through her company CEO-AF. Her non-profit, Life Skills 4 Teens, has positively impacted nearly 200 teenagers and counting. Amanda's life is guided by her faith as a child of God, driving her commitment to making a meaningful difference.

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professional accreditations
  • Verified Rocket Homes℠ Agent
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  • English
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📞   (817) 821-2607
 ☎  (682) 200-9291

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At Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty Texas, we call our network professionals Forever Agents℠ because they support your real estate dreams and goals for life. But that support doesn’t start or end with a successful transaction, it’s ongoing, and it means planning for a future that’s as fulfilling as it is bright.


The Sunshine Kids™ Foundation.

We believe every kid deserves a childhood. The opportunity to be a kid. Sunshine in dark days. That’s why we’ve partnered with The Sunshine Kids™.